Well today was the first day of this school year and the grandchildren that I live with are off and running. So here are introductions:
This is Joey ~ age 11 ~ 6th grade
Huner ~ age 10 ~ 5th grade
Connor ~ age 9 ~ 3rd grade
Teighan ~ age 7 ~ 1st grade
So their all off to school and I've got my spare time back ~ YEAHHH!!!!!
Monday, August 26, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Trying something new......
Ok so I've been really focused on beading my chakra flower set and I decided it was time for a bit of a break so I am trying something new:
Ok so I guess there are some beads still involved but pretty cool anyway.
This is a bit more involved than one might think. First off a trip to Home Depot for a drill bit. This can't be just any old drill bit because we are using ceramic dishes here so I had to get a Glass & Tile bit.
These are a bit pricey when all I got was one hole drilled and then the bit was to dull for a second hole so I'm going to have to do some investigating and brain picking at Home Depot when I go to get another bit.
Here are the cup & saucers for this project:
So as you can see I still need to do 5 more holes and if I can't get more holes than one per drill bit then it becomes a bit cost prohibitive with the bits being $6.87 per bit.
Here are the cups & saucers that I will use and the other 3 will go to my long time (55 years) friend, Patti.
If anyone has done this before and has any suggestions I welcome all thoughts on this.
Ok so I guess there are some beads still involved but pretty cool anyway.
This is a bit more involved than one might think. First off a trip to Home Depot for a drill bit. This can't be just any old drill bit because we are using ceramic dishes here so I had to get a Glass & Tile bit.
These are a bit pricey when all I got was one hole drilled and then the bit was to dull for a second hole so I'm going to have to do some investigating and brain picking at Home Depot when I go to get another bit.
Here are the cup & saucers for this project:
So as you can see I still need to do 5 more holes and if I can't get more holes than one per drill bit then it becomes a bit cost prohibitive with the bits being $6.87 per bit.
Here are the cups & saucers that I will use and the other 3 will go to my long time (55 years) friend, Patti.
If anyone has done this before and has any suggestions I welcome all thoughts on this.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Life takes it's own turns.....
I'm one of those people that is happy to stay home and be creative, unless of course I need to go to Michael's, Hobby Lobby, or some awesome bead shop but on occassion one must do what one must do. Well this was one of those weekends, I had my grandson for the summer and with school on the horizon I had to return him to Iowa this weekend which of course meant no blogging for me. So I started beating myself up for even signing up for this blog~a~long but then I thought to myself,,,,I've blogged a lot more than I would have otherwise so I decided I'd show up when life allowed me to and when it had other plans for me I'd just roll with the punches.
Well one thing I can do on my phone while traveling is surf the net and since I'm fixing to do my back deck and flower bed I decided to find some fun deck items that I could make myself and this, this is something that I can make myself and I also have access to bunches of free pallets, free is always good.
I also found this fun DIY that will be just perfect as stepping stones in my fairy garden. I'll be doing the stepping stones in the colors of the sea.
So even though I was traveling I was still able to channel some creativity into this trip. Now to get busy making it all happen.
Well one thing I can do on my phone while traveling is surf the net and since I'm fixing to do my back deck and flower bed I decided to find some fun deck items that I could make myself and this, this is something that I can make myself and I also have access to bunches of free pallets, free is always good.
I also found this fun DIY that will be just perfect as stepping stones in my fairy garden. I'll be doing the stepping stones in the colors of the sea.
So even though I was traveling I was still able to channel some creativity into this trip. Now to get busy making it all happen.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Blessings from my granddaughter.....
I am feeling very loved and very blessed today. My 19 year old granddaughter knows that I am making the chakra flowers so she purchased a book for my kindle today.
I love that she thinks of these things all on her own just because. Somehow the just because giftings touch my spirit much more than a birthday or Christmas gift. I'm driving up to Iowa this weekend to take my grandson home and I'll get to go see her new house she just moved into. I think one of my bird feeders should be hanging in her yard!
I love that she thinks of these things all on her own just because. Somehow the just because giftings touch my spirit much more than a birthday or Christmas gift. I'm driving up to Iowa this weekend to take my grandson home and I'll get to go see her new house she just moved into. I think one of my bird feeders should be hanging in her yard!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
A day late and a dollar short......
Yeap that's me,,,lol. It rained and thundered and lighteninged here all day and the electric was off several times so like someone with wisdom I unplugged for the day,,,literally. The tv's the computer anything that might get zapped. So I sat here and beaded, sorted some of my totes that I just moved here from Iowa and found all my quilt tops that are in need of quilting. I finished up my Throat Chakra flower:
I also finished the bottom layer of my Heart Chakra flower:
I also made some bird feeders which my grandson, Connor (9) helped me with.
This is the bottom part which holds the bird seed.
And I might as well share a couple of the quilt tops I pulled out that I'll be quilting here in the next week or two.
This one Connor calls "Giddy Up Go" and it will go on his bed.
This one is a "Fun In The Sun" and I've made several of these to place in my etsy boutique once I finish them up.
So as you can see sometimes unplugging can be quite beneficial. All in all I had a really good day.
I also finished the bottom layer of my Heart Chakra flower:
I also made some bird feeders which my grandson, Connor (9) helped me with.
This is the bottom part which holds the bird seed.
And I might as well share a couple of the quilt tops I pulled out that I'll be quilting here in the next week or two.
This one Connor calls "Giddy Up Go" and it will go on his bed.
This one is a "Fun In The Sun" and I've made several of these to place in my etsy boutique once I finish them up.
So as you can see sometimes unplugging can be quite beneficial. All in all I had a really good day.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
In Praise of the Feminine.....
I always love when I check my mail and find something amazing in it that really speaks to my inner feminine. This morning I found that magic in a email from Jo Anna Rothman and I just had to share it with all you lovely ladies. Perhaps it will hit that sacred spot in some of you and you'll be moved to do a page/spread on it.
In Praise of the Feminine
I love the way my hips move as I walk. Open. Free.
Inviting. There is a spaciousness in me. In my ways.
In my being.
It is wide. Wild. Untamed.
It is kind. And loving. Made of electricity.
Of blood.
Of life.
Seen only when we enter into that space.
Walk through the fire and stand in the pathway.
It is not always clear. Or right. Or direct.
It just is. It flows. Meanders.
Knowing that pointlessness is of value.
No struggle for meaning.
It is an invitation. Open. Endless.
An invitation to enter the sacred. To enter the palace of pleasure.
Where beauty if crafted.
It is an invitation be where ever we are in whatever moment this happens to be.
Where the world will be created. And others will fill it.
It is home.
It doesn’t fight to be seen. Or heard.
There is strength. Constant.
There is power in letting the walls of the masculine move aside.
Knowing that they are there when we let them.
Knowing that they are there when we need them.
In an instant we can feel the support.
Or we be the openness.
The space where ideas rise up from earth
Where rock us as they make their way through to the doing place.
This is where we let them go.
Where we let the other energies of our nature guide them into their own space of being.
And we come back to the vibrant center of our creative wonders.
Swinging our hips back and forth to the tune of our making.
Inviting. There is a spaciousness in me. In my ways.
In my being.
It is wide. Wild. Untamed.
It is kind. And loving. Made of electricity.
Of blood.
Of life.
Seen only when we enter into that space.
Walk through the fire and stand in the pathway.
It is not always clear. Or right. Or direct.
It just is. It flows. Meanders.
Knowing that pointlessness is of value.
No struggle for meaning.
It is an invitation. Open. Endless.
An invitation to enter the sacred. To enter the palace of pleasure.
Where beauty if crafted.
It is an invitation be where ever we are in whatever moment this happens to be.
Where the world will be created. And others will fill it.
It is home.
It doesn’t fight to be seen. Or heard.
There is strength. Constant.
There is power in letting the walls of the masculine move aside.
Knowing that they are there when we let them.
Knowing that they are there when we need them.
In an instant we can feel the support.
Or we be the openness.
The space where ideas rise up from earth
Where rock us as they make their way through to the doing place.
This is where we let them go.
Where we let the other energies of our nature guide them into their own space of being.
And we come back to the vibrant center of our creative wonders.
Swinging our hips back and forth to the tune of our making.
I just had to do some searching for a picture to go with it and this is what I came up with:
I'm thinking that I will do a spread on this myself once I finish setting up my creative space and get all my art supplies unpacked and put in their places. We'll see!
Monday, August 12, 2013
Blogging every day for 30 days went down the tubes.....
Ah yes blogging can be frustrating,,,,or should I say the ability to blog? Yes I missed a day ~ I was sitting here thinking "why bother now, I've already failed?" Then just as quickly I hear that little brave voice saying "Oh hell no,,,,your not getting off that easy" so here I am, showing up because this is not about failing or not being good enough to post everyday it's just about sharing what I have on any given day with whom ever shows up to read what I post here.
I live just outside of town and there really is nothing on this road but my house and the neighbors and there is not internet lines out here. When we moved in here we tried it all but we couldn't even get dsl let along broadband so I had one alternative left and that was to make my iphone a hot spot, can I say pricey...... The thing about this is that it is not unlimited you only get so much time and for me that is from the 12th to the 11th. Well I ran out of time because I was naughty this month and ran out of time so I couldn't get online yesterday to do anything. This morning my time started over so here I am alive and kicking.
Lesson I learned through all of this is not to be so dam critical of myself and what I can or can not do and to forgive myself for the things I can not get to. So I'm ok with this and I'll keep on keeping on.
I live just outside of town and there really is nothing on this road but my house and the neighbors and there is not internet lines out here. When we moved in here we tried it all but we couldn't even get dsl let along broadband so I had one alternative left and that was to make my iphone a hot spot, can I say pricey...... The thing about this is that it is not unlimited you only get so much time and for me that is from the 12th to the 11th. Well I ran out of time because I was naughty this month and ran out of time so I couldn't get online yesterday to do anything. This morning my time started over so here I am alive and kicking.
Lesson I learned through all of this is not to be so dam critical of myself and what I can or can not do and to forgive myself for the things I can not get to. So I'm ok with this and I'll keep on keeping on.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Time to be flexible......
Ok so originally I was going to do these in order so I started the yellow - solar plexus - but my beading mat is to light and the beads blended in to much so I will be searching out a darker beading mat. Well I opened the box of beads up and third jumped out at me and here is the bottom layer and I'm now working on the ruffled layer. I'll be meditating and saying third eye affirmations till it is finished.

Today was a bit different because my 9 year old grandson sat with me all day counting out beads, playing with the beads and playing a million questions and I had a blast. He's now decided he's making himself one because he likes the green beads that will be used for Heart chakra, this should be interesting, but he's an amazing young man so I'm betting he'll be able to do it just fine.
Have a great Sunday my friends.

Today was a bit different because my 9 year old grandson sat with me all day counting out beads, playing with the beads and playing a million questions and I had a blast. He's now decided he's making himself one because he likes the green beads that will be used for Heart chakra, this should be interesting, but he's an amazing young man so I'm betting he'll be able to do it just fine.
Have a great Sunday my friends.
Friday, August 9, 2013
The Universe....
So I just checked my email as I was busy beading all day, Sacral Chakra, is about a half hour from being all finished but I needed a break so I decided I'd check my mail for an invoice I'm waiting on and instead this is what I found....
But I promise you, no matter how long it takes, once it happens it'll seem as if time flew, you'll wonder how you ever doubted yourself, and you'll feel like you should have aimed a little higher. Aim a little higher, Sheila - The Universe Talk about a "AhHa" moment,,,lol. I've been planning on opening an etsy store and planning and working on stuff. The more I work the more I plan the further away the opening seems to get so I had a melt down a couple days ago, no tears involved. Ok so maybe a bit of french, a few irritated temper fits along with some arm flalling. I basically threw in the towel with a "I just can't do this" attitude. Of course I snatched myself up by the collar and did some positivity affirmations and of course I will be opening that etsy store but first things first. And then I check my mail box and the Universe has apparently been spying on me and decided I need a pep talk as well, Thank you Goddess. So I've decided that I will continue working on items and setting things up and when the time is right it will happen and until then I'm just gonna keep on keeping on. On that note I better get back to work and finish this project up so I can move on to something else. TGIF and a happy weekend to you all. |
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Blogging revelation......
I've been posting this month because I agreed to join Effy Wild in her 30 Blog~a~long. I had another blog which I was never faithful to because I felt that no one would read it anyways. The thing is very few people did read it but was it because they didn't like it and weren't interested in what I had to say or was it because I sabatoged it with my own thoughts? Well I started thinking the same thing about this blog and then it dawned on me that I am posting on this blog for me, about me and my interests so that is what I plan to do. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy knowing that others visit me here because this is how they will get to know me for who I am and what I like, just as I go visit other blogs to see what others are all about and what their lifes are all about. So here I am laying it all out there. I'm getting into learning about self~healing and the chakra system and I'm doing this through my passion for beading Beading and my spiritual path are intricately interwoven. It would be difficult for me to separate the two because they are so completely intertwined with one another. As I sit and weave with my beads, I allow the Creative Spirit to flow through me, and though my hands are doing the work, another force is actively participating in the process. This force is a transmission of Spirit that fills me with deep inner peace and joy as I bead. As a result, the practice of my art form is becoming a creative path to my sacred center. I am in the process of making a set of chakra flowers to help me meditate and heal each of my specific chakra centers. I just finished my first chakra flower and shared it here, Root Chakra, and now I am half way done with my second flower, Sacral Chakra.
I only have the top layer done so far and I've decided I'm going to wait to share this one with you until it is finished.
I only have the top layer done so far and I've decided I'm going to wait to share this one with you until it is finished.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
And I'm back.....
I couldn't post yesterday because my computer went to the netherworld or where ever computers go when the die. So I spent some much needed pampering time, cleaned house, did laundry, you know all those mundane things one must do if they want to have a half way livable house. And when all that was done I pulled out the beads. I'm one of those people who starts a project and then is totally driven by it until it is all done. I finished up my root chakra flower but this project has seven flowers to it so I decided I'd get busy on phase two, the Sacral Chakra flower.
sacral chakra
The sanskrit name for the sacral chakra centre is Swadhistan. The Swadhistan Chakra is found in the lower abdomen and sexual organs it is regarded as the 2nd chakra. You can use these beautiful healing products to focus on embracing life's continual cycle of change. Celebrating fertility and growth, these designs help connect you to your passion for life and joyousness. Reminding you to be open to personal growth and launch yourself into unknown phases with excitement rather than fear.
Carnelian, red jasper, red aventurine, moonstone, tiger eye.
Orange and warm browns
It is also the center for our emotions. I think of "e~motion" as energy in motion. This connotes movement, and it is through movement that we bring about change. Movement and change are the two basic elements of the second chakra.
Our center of gravity, or Tan T'ien, resides in the second chakra and is our point of balance, internal and external. When we connect with this place of balance, it will be reflected into our outer lives. We will feel calmer, more centered and peaceful, and better able to handle what we have set into motion.
The second chakra is another center of personal creativity. This is where our creative juices really begin to flow through my beaded projects, energizing it with a charge of "e~motion." So for me as well as all creatives it is important to keep this chakra cleared.
I'm not sure how many of you bead but for now this is where I'm at. I have several quilt tops that need quilted but I do this at my sisters house and right now she is buried up to her ears in her softball team for her granddaughters so quilt is on hold. Yes I could make more quilt tops but I'm waiting on an order of fabrics that I'll be using in the next couple of quilts I have designed. And of course I've got my "Of the Heart" book I'm working on but it to is on hold awaiting some silver leaf and some adhesive which I'll be ordering this weekend. Seems like a lot of waiting going on but this gal is not good at sitting around waiting so I've moved into bead mode for the time being. Once all my waiting is over, then all the fun begins and I'll have to dedicate certain days to certain activities or I'll be jumping from one activity to another so instead I'll actually schedule time for each creative process. Well enough of this rambling, which I do well, and back to beading. Later gators!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Root Chakra Flower is in full bloom.....
Yes I did it, I finally finished my root chakra flower.
Root Chakra
The sanskrit name for the root chakra centre is muladar. The muladar chakra is found at the base of the spine and is regarded as the first chakra. You can use these beautiful healing products to to ground yourself, by bringing your attention to your root chakra and connecting with the physical realm, so you feel totally supported, as you transcend into more enlightened states.
Red jasper, tiger eye, snow flake obsidian, hematite, smoky quartz.
Red and black.
The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies 7 energy centers in the body. If your chakras are not aligned you may feel physically, emotionally or spiritually imbalanced. The ideal is to have all your chakra centres aligned to feel optimum well being.
So as you can see I have a few more flower to make,,,,wish me luck.
I just turned 60 and I've lived in almost that many houses and in 7 states, never very good at putting down roots so with this flower I'll be doing some major work on my root/base chakra. I've been working on doing a lot of releasing of childhood traumas and now I am in a varily good space for putting down some deep roots and staying grounded.
It's very exhausting running from your shadows so this past year I've spent facing all the shadows I could find in my shadow lands and there will be no more running/moving for me. I've landed here in Texas ~ where it is hot as hades right now ~ and I'm going to build the best life I know how.
I've made quilts since I was 15 and I was placed in a foster home ~ best thing that ever happened to me. I was being watched over by a fist full of angels and was placed with a couple ~ Don and Elvira Andersen ~ who was very good friends with one of my guardian angels ~ Judge Forrest Eastman. Elvira was a quilter and taught me all I'd ever need to know about quilting and I've never stopped quilting or quilting with Elvira for that matter. But with more time on my hands since I'm not running from the shadows I've decided to leap outside of my comfort zone and do more creating, hence the beading.
My best friend for life ~ I've know her for 55 years ~ Patti is an avid beader and wanted me to learn so we could bead together and so I took on that challenge and I'm loving it.
And then I met Galia Alena who is a fabulous artist that had an ecourse "Of The Heart" which I took as I was leaping and I started working with mixed media. And then I met our very own Effy Wild, the goddess of creativity and glitter of course. This is where I've learned to bind my journals and oh so much more about mixed media, journaling and now this,,,blogging. Thank you to all who have joined me on this amazing journey and to all my amazing teachers of creativity. And thank you to all of you awesome creatives who come here to read what I have to say and what I am doing on this journey. I hope you enjoy what you find here. Fairy blessings and butterfly kisses from my heart to yours.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Sunday I wish I felt better for you.......
Yes it is Sunday and I woke up with my tummy rolling like it was on a stormy ocean and it just won't settle down. Lord but I hate being sick and not feeling like I have the energy to do anything yet I sit there and see all my beads sitting there calling my name.
As you can see I have several projects call my name. The background beads you've probably already seen. To the left:
This is a salvation bracelet that I am making for my sister. I make chakra bracelets most of the time but this one is specially for her because she just don't get my interest in Chakra's, meditation, and magic. And that is ok because I love her as she is and all I can do is hope that she would love and accept me for who I am.
And then there is this, this one is for me. When it is finished it will be the first of my Chakra Flowers which will be on my night stand. There will be one for each Chakra which I can take one or several for my alter when I am working on a particular Chakra. So as you can see the fight for self care or being creative is a strong battle.
I preach to my friends about taking care of themselves all the time and here I am whinning because I feel sick and can't work on my projects. So for the sake of my health I am going to cave in and just lounge on the sofa and take care of me for a change. Did I really just say that?
As you can see I have several projects call my name. The background beads you've probably already seen. To the left:
This is a salvation bracelet that I am making for my sister. I make chakra bracelets most of the time but this one is specially for her because she just don't get my interest in Chakra's, meditation, and magic. And that is ok because I love her as she is and all I can do is hope that she would love and accept me for who I am.
And then there is this, this one is for me. When it is finished it will be the first of my Chakra Flowers which will be on my night stand. There will be one for each Chakra which I can take one or several for my alter when I am working on a particular Chakra. So as you can see the fight for self care or being creative is a strong battle.
I preach to my friends about taking care of themselves all the time and here I am whinning because I feel sick and can't work on my projects. So for the sake of my health I am going to cave in and just lounge on the sofa and take care of me for a change. Did I really just say that?
Saturday, August 3, 2013
What's on the agenda for today.....
On the agenda for today ~
must drill holes in the cups
and that entire stack of dishes for the making of bird feeders.
And then there is that pile of silverware that is waiting to be bent into shape for birdfeeder hangers and also some will be made into windchimes
and I have to drill some holes in the wood branches to make the hangers for some more crystal dream/sun catchers.
Busy day!
Friday, August 2, 2013
It's Friday and I'm looking forward to the weekend.....
Yes, it's Friday and I'm looking forward to the weekend.....
But I still have to get through today and so I've decided to play in crystal land.
So this morning I got up bright and early and made that blue denim bracelet laying right there beside the pearl one that I made a few days ago. Then I thought to myself, ok what now, and I thought about my daughter coming by the table last night and looking at all my sparkling crystals and to my surprise she said "Oh this orange one would be pretty in a bracelet." Yes I was surprised because orange has never been her color, ever! I've made several bangle style bracelets and I'm really liking the simplicity of this new one so I decided to make a few more so I dug out some lt. siam AB's and some Erinite AB x2 and I'll make some more of these simple ones today.
This will lead me into the weekend and more creative endeavors, and yes you'll have to wait till tomorrow to see what other creativeness I'm getting myself into. See ya'll tomorrow.
But I still have to get through today and so I've decided to play in crystal land.
So this morning I got up bright and early and made that blue denim bracelet laying right there beside the pearl one that I made a few days ago. Then I thought to myself, ok what now, and I thought about my daughter coming by the table last night and looking at all my sparkling crystals and to my surprise she said "Oh this orange one would be pretty in a bracelet." Yes I was surprised because orange has never been her color, ever! I've made several bangle style bracelets and I'm really liking the simplicity of this new one so I decided to make a few more so I dug out some lt. siam AB's and some Erinite AB x2 and I'll make some more of these simple ones today.
This will lead me into the weekend and more creative endeavors, and yes you'll have to wait till tomorrow to see what other creativeness I'm getting myself into. See ya'll tomorrow.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Light love remake.....
This is an old light that my daughter and son-in-law got for me about 9 years ago. Actually it was not a light at that time but I bought a light kit and turned it into a light. It is made of plastic beads and over the years the beads have lost their luster so I'm ordering new beads, crystals actually, lots and lots of crystals, and I'm going to remake this for my bedroom. My bedroom has evolved over the years as well and is now being done up in the chakra colors so I'll be adding the colored beads on the bottom in as the chakra colors starting at the top with the crown chakra and working my way down, nine strands at a time. I can't wait to get this done and hanging in my room. Oh yes I'll post pics when it is done as well as pics of the quilt I'm working on for my bed. As you can see I am not afraid of color so these new bright chakra colors will be perfect for bringing my bedroom to life. Can't wait!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
A little bit of beading....
Pearls ~ Just a simple strand of pearls to enjoy with most anything you wear.
Next up will be another matching strand in a blue denim colored crystal with matching beads. I'll be using the same pattern as the pearls just to get that very simple single strand bracelet.
I'm looking at opening an Etsy store soon and will be putting these both on there as well as some other items that I will be making. I'll keep everyone posted on the opening of the store and I'll keep sharing what I'm making for the store until it gets up and running.
Feeling Spiritual Love...
Feeling Spiritual Love
Spiritual love is a universal love ~ an ocean of one love that bathes all of life. It is a greater, grander, higher, deeper love ~ existing always, everywhere and available in every moment. This unifying love also dwells in the sacred center of each person's heart. Through spiritual love, we rediscover the music of our own soul.
Spirituality is a journey of awakening to a deeper and more meaningful love. This journey transforms our life through our searching for love, expressing love, and being love. The greatest mysteries of being human are the secrets hidden within our own loving heart. As we discover these secrets, we find the gifts of greater joy, peace, meaning and purpose.
Through spiritual love, we feel awe and reverence as we realize how the energies of wisdom, intelligence and harmony support us. Therefore, we see existence as friendly, benevolent and full of goodness. And, we appreciate life circumstances as full of possibilities, opportunities and blessings. This heartfelt connection is the beautiful force that uplifts us as we struggle, learn and heal. Throughout time and around the world, countless spiritual paths have love as the central theme. Spiritual love is a love within us, around us, and expressing through us continuously.
Quiet Thoughts About Love
I am willing to give and receive love in my life. I am thankful for opening my heart to more love and its blessings.
Journal Prompts:
How do I feel and see spiritual love in my life? What does a spiritual love mean to me? What happens when I connect with this love?
How does the idea of universal or spiritual love affect the world? How will the world change when more people express greater spiritual love?
Monday, July 29, 2013
I Am Spirit....
I Am Spirit
In our essence, we all are heart centered beings. In the heart, we find the hidden treasures of a greater truth about our spiritual nature. Each one of us is an amazing and magical being. As we connect more to our own heart and spiritual nature, we appreiate our value and worthiness in greater ways. We grow to understand that we are precious, loving and lovable.
There are many ways to think about who we are. One way is to acknowledge ourselves as unique humans with individual personalities. Another aspect includes the universal aspect of our spiritual essence. From this universal perspective, we are more and greater than merely our personality is showing us. As we look deeper into the grander aspects of who we are, we awaken to the beautiful qualities that lie within our heart and spirit.
In my unique personality I am...
My name and age
My school, neighborhood and family
What I like and dislike
My strengths, talents, and successes
My mistakes and weaknesses
What I love and what brings me joy
My addictions and traumas
In my spirit I am...
Goodness and inner beauty
Divine and magical
Loving and lovable
Perfect and worthy
Light and love
Connected and interrelated to all of life
Living from the heart
At peace
Quiet Thoughts About Who I Am
I am thankful for all aspects of who I am. I know that I am more than my personality. I am living from my heart and spirit.
Journal Prompts:
When I remember that I am spirit, how do I feel in my heart?
When I remeber that I am spirit, how am I with others?
When I remember that I am spirit, what choices do I make day to day? And, how do I see my future?
Sunday, July 28, 2013
The Story of the Butterfly Blessing....
The beautiful butterfly began her journey as a wandering caterpillar. She wasn't too crazy about her life. It seemed so insignificant ~ just eating and crawling on the ground. She longed for more. Slowly moving through the forest, she noticed the changes in the moon, the sun and all of nature. She wondered, "Will I ever change? Will my life ever have meaning?"
One day she found herself completely surrounded by a cocoon. She began feeling changes inside of her. She thought, "What is happening to me?" "This is not the change that I had in mind," she said. "This place is scary and dark and not very comfortable. Is this progress?" Wile in the cocoon, she had lots of time to think and feel. She thought, "Maybe this change is suppose to happen. Maybe my dissatisfaction with crawling around on the forest floor and now being in this cocoon is a natural part of life. I wonder if there's more change to come." The butterfly began to feel better. She contemplated the meaning of change, growth, hope and faith. She thought about coming out of the cocoon and into the light. She dreamt of flying even though she wasn't quite sure what that meant.
Then one day the cocoon cracked and she stretched her body to move out. Once again, she was going from the known to the unknown. As she crawled outside into the daylight, she suddenly found herself floating ~ now soaring ~ with a new sense of freedom, wisdom and joy. She had not just changed ~ she was reborn.
Such is the nature of our own personal metamorphosis ~ the beautiful interplay of dark and light, struggle and peace, dissatisfaction and joy. It is the journey of the feminine heart and soul. Each ending presents us with a new beginning, full of possibility for wisdom and empowerment.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Sharing ~~~~~
For this next 30 or so days I will be sharing part of a journal that I used 13 years ago to kickstart my spiritual journey. I am sharing this because this journal helped me see things in such a way as to open my heart and spirit to such change that I can not even begin to put into words. This journal "Butterfly Blessing ~ A Feminine Spiritual Journal of Transformation" is An Inner Journey for Women that was written by Terry Zick and Kelli Mlinarik and as far as I can tell, is no longer in print, however I want them to recieve the credit due them. They wrote this journal to women of all ages knowing that we all share the magical journey of heart and spirit. These writtings call us to remember our spiritual nature which knows that we are, in every moment already....
Valuable, Precious, Loving and Lovable beings of Dignity, Heart and Elegance.
I have tried to track them down to see if they have written more but with no luck. I have prayed about this and I feel in my spirit that this will help my spiritual growth and I'm hoping yours as well, in some small way.
The Butterfly Blessing Journal intends to respect and honor all belief systems and spiritual paths.
This journal used the word "Spirit". Please feel free to make substitutions that express your personal spirituality or belief system.
Honor your inner knowing by setting aside any part of this journey with me that does not feel right or true for you.
Interspersed in this blog will also be my daily photo's which I am going to try to, in some way, have these photo's relate to my journey. This might include pictures of myself as I change my inner feminine, or perhaps some art works that I feel moved to work on while on this journey and maybe it will include family and friends that travel this road with me. I hope that you enjoy this Blog~a~thon August with me and I really hope that you feel free to leave comments as I look forward to getting to know you all throughout this coming month.
What is Spirituality????
Spirituality has been described as a feeling and a unique inner experience. Spirituality may include feelings of reverence, beauty and interconnectedness. It may also refer to a guiding wisdom, and what is greater, grander, and higher. Spirituality is a journey of awakening to a universal, deeper and more meaningful love. Each person expresses apirituality in their own very personal and unique way. Our spirituality changes and grows as we continue to explore its beauty and wonder during our entire life, the door opens to descover more meaning, purpose and fulfillment.
Spirituality is commonly considered to be different from religion. While spirituality is defined as an inner experience unique to each person, religion is commonly defined as a particular system of beliefs belonging to groups of people. Spirituality~oriented individuals may or may not be religious. Religious people may or may not be spiritual.
Spirituality is not just what we feel, but also is expressed in what we do, how we do it, and who we are. Spirituality is reflected in our mental, emotional, social, physical and political expression. Spirituality is present at all times, in all places and under all circumstances. Being human is a spiritual journey of the heart, the soul, the spirit within, and our relationship to Spirit. Each person can choose to appreciate this journey as a fascinating experience. The spiritual journey ~~~
Is based in love and wisdom
Validates the struggles and difficulties
Gives the opportunity to accept and embrace change
Teaches important lessons such as trust, faith and love
Opens us to empowerment, creativity and inspiration
Reveals rewards in the exploration, not just the destination
Takes us into the essence of our heart and spirit
Honors the uniqueness and beauty of each person's unfoldment
Highlights the profound meaning in the present moment
Provides support and nurturance available in a wide variety of ways
Offers rewards that are potentially wondrous and magical
This is one take on it but I'd love to hear what your take on Spirituality is if you'd care to share.....
Friday, July 26, 2013
ButterFly Blessings......
The caterpillar transforms into a magnificent butterfly and
Love whispers~
"This is a blessing."
Winter turns into spring, a seed blooms into a rose, rain ends,
the sun shines through and
Nature whispers~
"Indeed, all will change."
Listen deeper,
To the hope and faith and trust in what can be
If we believe.
We think miracles are rare and won't happen to us.
Listen deeper,
Spirit whispers~
"Miracles and possibilities happen to us all every day."
In our caterpillar stage of crisis, fear, aloneness and sadness,
we think we can't bear it, we won't survive.
Listen deeper,
The angels whisper~
"Believe in the Butterfly Blessing,
Believe in the Butterfly Blessing."
By Terry Zick
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Today I decided to join in on a blog~a~thon for August which would require me to do a blog post each day of August. Then I get on FB and find the awesome Susannah Conway is hosting her August Break and I thought why not so now I have commited myself to a post a day and a picture a day.
I have decided that in order to blog each day I needed to find something to post on that would call me back each day. Several years ago I ran across a journal that I worked through and I was thinking perhaps I/we (if any of you are so inclined) could work through it or at least be inspired by it. It is A Feminine Spiritual Journal of Transformation. In short it is more about the growth of the feminine in each of us. I hope you all enjoy this or at the very least allow it to be food for thought.
Then for the picture a day Susannah was thoughtful enough to provide a list of pictures we may use as a jumping off board if we just can not think of something on our own.
I hope to get to know many of you a little better as I visit your blogs and hope that you will feel free to leave your comments here.
See you on August 1, 2013

Then for the picture a day Susannah was thoughtful enough to provide a list of pictures we may use as a jumping off board if we just can not think of something on our own.
I hope to get to know many of you a little better as I visit your blogs and hope that you will feel free to leave your comments here.
See you on August 1, 2013
Blog~A~Long with Effy August 2013
Ok, so I have decided to join Effy Wild in a Blog Along for August 2013, not sure how it will go but I'm open to the challenge.
I'm working on some beading projects as well as doing some quilting now that I have ALL my crafting stuff moved here to Texas from storage in Iowa so I'm going to be sharing what I'm doing in my creative world with you during the month of August and I'm hoping to make this a regular practice. Hope you will all enjoy visiting my world.
I'm working on some beading projects as well as doing some quilting now that I have ALL my crafting stuff moved here to Texas from storage in Iowa so I'm going to be sharing what I'm doing in my creative world with you during the month of August and I'm hoping to make this a regular practice. Hope you will all enjoy visiting my world.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Angels In My Studio giveaway......

Galia Alena is have a fabulous giveaway for a spectacular course she will be teaching. If your an artist or would like to take a flying leap outside you box, you know the one labeled "Safety Zone" then leap on over and check this giveaway out.
This class is called Angels In My Studio and is starring several amazing teachers:
- Tamara LaPorte -- Healing mixed-media inner guardian angel
- Chris Zydel -- Something super magical is in the works, guaranteed.
- Havi Mandell -- Deeply meaningful Angel Book
- Cheryl Irwin -- High vibe Angel/Goddess Mandala and Intuitive Spirit painting
- Claudia Olivos -- Glorious angel painting on a large canvas
- Kristen Powers -- Brilliant Al fresco angel painting (and a carved rubber stamp mini-lesson)
- Liz Kettle -- Powerful protective talisman for you to carry/wear
- Melissa Muirhead -- Sweet, sweet angel pendant on a Scrabble tile!
- Rachel Payne -- Playful, free-form, intuitive Spirit Doll
- Justine Van De Weg -- Magical Fairy painting
- Galia Alena -- Profound, Sacred Art journaling
You can not bet a list like this so get playful and skip through this course with your dancing shoes on and your fingers dipped in all kinds of goodies.
Good luck on the giveaway.
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