Monday, August 5, 2013

Root Chakra Flower is in full bloom.....

Yes I did it, I finally finished my root chakra flower.

Root Chakra

The sanskrit name for the root chakra centre is muladar. The muladar chakra is found at the base of the spine and is regarded as the first chakra. You can use these beautiful healing products to to ground yourself, by bringing your attention to your root chakra and connecting with the physical realm, so you feel totally supported, as you transcend into more enlightened states.


Red jasper, tiger eye, snow flake obsidian, hematite, smoky quartz.


Red and black.


The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies 7 energy centers in the body. If your chakras are not aligned you may feel physically, emotionally or spiritually imbalanced. The ideal is to have all your chakra centres aligned to feel optimum well being.

So as you can see I have a few more flower to make,,,,wish me luck.
I just turned 60 and I've lived in almost that many houses and in 7 states, never very good at putting down roots so with this flower I'll be doing some major work on my root/base chakra. I've been working on doing a lot of releasing of childhood traumas and now I am in a varily good space for putting down some deep roots and staying grounded.
It's very exhausting running from your shadows so this past year I've spent facing all the shadows I could find in my shadow lands and there will be no more running/moving for me. I've landed here in Texas ~ where it is hot as hades right now ~ and I'm going to build the best life I know how. 
I've made quilts since I was 15 and I was placed in a foster home ~ best thing that ever happened to me. I was being watched over by a fist full of angels and was placed with a couple ~ Don and Elvira Andersen ~ who was very good friends with one of my guardian angels ~ Judge Forrest Eastman. Elvira was a quilter and taught me all I'd ever need to know about quilting and I've never stopped quilting or quilting with Elvira for that matter. But with more time on my hands since I'm not running from the shadows I've decided to leap outside of my comfort zone and do more creating, hence the beading.
My best friend for life ~ I've know her for 55 years ~ Patti is an avid beader and wanted me to learn so we could bead together and so I took on that challenge and I'm loving it.
And then I met Galia Alena who is a fabulous artist that had an ecourse "Of The Heart" which I took as I was leaping and I started working with mixed media. And then I met our very own Effy Wild, the goddess of creativity and glitter of course. This is where I've learned to bind my journals and oh so much more about mixed media, journaling and now this,,,blogging. Thank you to all who have joined me on this amazing journey and to all my amazing teachers of creativity. And thank you to all of you awesome creatives who come here to read what I have to say and what I am doing on this journey. I hope you enjoy what you find here. Fairy blessings and butterfly kisses from my heart to yours.



  1. Hi Sheila, thought I'd return the visit :) I'm so happy to read you are facing your traumas. I'm doing the same thing. I'm not running, but I would if money allowed it. Zoe

  2. Your chakra flower is wonderful! And what a wonderful project to connect more deeply with the chakras and with your own treasure chest of creativity. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your flowers as you create them, and celebrate you on your journey.
