Thursday, August 22, 2013

Trying something new......

Ok so I've been really focused on beading my chakra flower set and I decided it was time for a bit of a break so I am trying something new:

Ok so I guess there are some beads still involved but pretty cool anyway. 

This is a bit more involved than one might think. First off a trip to Home Depot for a drill bit. This can't be just any old drill bit because we are using ceramic dishes here so I had to get a Glass & Tile bit.

These are a bit pricey when all I got was one hole drilled and then the bit was to dull for a second hole so I'm going to have to do some investigating and brain picking at Home Depot when I go to get another bit.

Here are the cup & saucers for this project:

So as you can see I still need to do 5 more holes and if I can't get more holes than one per drill bit then it becomes a bit cost prohibitive with the bits being $6.87 per bit. 

Here are the cups & saucers that I will use and the other 3 will go to my long time (55 years) friend, Patti.

If anyone has done this before and has any suggestions I welcome all thoughts on this.


  1. I did something along this line but we used a dremel. It doesn't seem to dull up as fast.

  2. I tried a dremel first but it didn't seem to have enough power so I switched to a regular drill. But never fear because I'm not giving up,,,,

  3. I tried a dremel first but it didn't seem to have enough power so I switched to a regular drill. But never fear because I'm not giving up,,,,

  4. I tried a dremel first but it didn't seem to have enough power so I switched to a regular drill. But never fear because I'm not giving up,,,,
