Wednesday, July 31, 2013
A little bit of beading....
Pearls ~ Just a simple strand of pearls to enjoy with most anything you wear.
Next up will be another matching strand in a blue denim colored crystal with matching beads. I'll be using the same pattern as the pearls just to get that very simple single strand bracelet.
I'm looking at opening an Etsy store soon and will be putting these both on there as well as some other items that I will be making. I'll keep everyone posted on the opening of the store and I'll keep sharing what I'm making for the store until it gets up and running.
Feeling Spiritual Love...
Feeling Spiritual Love
Spiritual love is a universal love ~ an ocean of one love that bathes all of life. It is a greater, grander, higher, deeper love ~ existing always, everywhere and available in every moment. This unifying love also dwells in the sacred center of each person's heart. Through spiritual love, we rediscover the music of our own soul.
Spirituality is a journey of awakening to a deeper and more meaningful love. This journey transforms our life through our searching for love, expressing love, and being love. The greatest mysteries of being human are the secrets hidden within our own loving heart. As we discover these secrets, we find the gifts of greater joy, peace, meaning and purpose.
Through spiritual love, we feel awe and reverence as we realize how the energies of wisdom, intelligence and harmony support us. Therefore, we see existence as friendly, benevolent and full of goodness. And, we appreciate life circumstances as full of possibilities, opportunities and blessings. This heartfelt connection is the beautiful force that uplifts us as we struggle, learn and heal. Throughout time and around the world, countless spiritual paths have love as the central theme. Spiritual love is a love within us, around us, and expressing through us continuously.
Quiet Thoughts About Love
I am willing to give and receive love in my life. I am thankful for opening my heart to more love and its blessings.
Journal Prompts:
How do I feel and see spiritual love in my life? What does a spiritual love mean to me? What happens when I connect with this love?
How does the idea of universal or spiritual love affect the world? How will the world change when more people express greater spiritual love?
Monday, July 29, 2013
I Am Spirit....
I Am Spirit
In our essence, we all are heart centered beings. In the heart, we find the hidden treasures of a greater truth about our spiritual nature. Each one of us is an amazing and magical being. As we connect more to our own heart and spiritual nature, we appreiate our value and worthiness in greater ways. We grow to understand that we are precious, loving and lovable.
There are many ways to think about who we are. One way is to acknowledge ourselves as unique humans with individual personalities. Another aspect includes the universal aspect of our spiritual essence. From this universal perspective, we are more and greater than merely our personality is showing us. As we look deeper into the grander aspects of who we are, we awaken to the beautiful qualities that lie within our heart and spirit.
In my unique personality I am...
My name and age
My school, neighborhood and family
What I like and dislike
My strengths, talents, and successes
My mistakes and weaknesses
What I love and what brings me joy
My addictions and traumas
In my spirit I am...
Goodness and inner beauty
Divine and magical
Loving and lovable
Perfect and worthy
Light and love
Connected and interrelated to all of life
Living from the heart
At peace
Quiet Thoughts About Who I Am
I am thankful for all aspects of who I am. I know that I am more than my personality. I am living from my heart and spirit.
Journal Prompts:
When I remember that I am spirit, how do I feel in my heart?
When I remeber that I am spirit, how am I with others?
When I remember that I am spirit, what choices do I make day to day? And, how do I see my future?
Sunday, July 28, 2013
The Story of the Butterfly Blessing....
The beautiful butterfly began her journey as a wandering caterpillar. She wasn't too crazy about her life. It seemed so insignificant ~ just eating and crawling on the ground. She longed for more. Slowly moving through the forest, she noticed the changes in the moon, the sun and all of nature. She wondered, "Will I ever change? Will my life ever have meaning?"
One day she found herself completely surrounded by a cocoon. She began feeling changes inside of her. She thought, "What is happening to me?" "This is not the change that I had in mind," she said. "This place is scary and dark and not very comfortable. Is this progress?" Wile in the cocoon, she had lots of time to think and feel. She thought, "Maybe this change is suppose to happen. Maybe my dissatisfaction with crawling around on the forest floor and now being in this cocoon is a natural part of life. I wonder if there's more change to come." The butterfly began to feel better. She contemplated the meaning of change, growth, hope and faith. She thought about coming out of the cocoon and into the light. She dreamt of flying even though she wasn't quite sure what that meant.
Then one day the cocoon cracked and she stretched her body to move out. Once again, she was going from the known to the unknown. As she crawled outside into the daylight, she suddenly found herself floating ~ now soaring ~ with a new sense of freedom, wisdom and joy. She had not just changed ~ she was reborn.
Such is the nature of our own personal metamorphosis ~ the beautiful interplay of dark and light, struggle and peace, dissatisfaction and joy. It is the journey of the feminine heart and soul. Each ending presents us with a new beginning, full of possibility for wisdom and empowerment.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Sharing ~~~~~
For this next 30 or so days I will be sharing part of a journal that I used 13 years ago to kickstart my spiritual journey. I am sharing this because this journal helped me see things in such a way as to open my heart and spirit to such change that I can not even begin to put into words. This journal "Butterfly Blessing ~ A Feminine Spiritual Journal of Transformation" is An Inner Journey for Women that was written by Terry Zick and Kelli Mlinarik and as far as I can tell, is no longer in print, however I want them to recieve the credit due them. They wrote this journal to women of all ages knowing that we all share the magical journey of heart and spirit. These writtings call us to remember our spiritual nature which knows that we are, in every moment already....
Valuable, Precious, Loving and Lovable beings of Dignity, Heart and Elegance.
I have tried to track them down to see if they have written more but with no luck. I have prayed about this and I feel in my spirit that this will help my spiritual growth and I'm hoping yours as well, in some small way.
The Butterfly Blessing Journal intends to respect and honor all belief systems and spiritual paths.
This journal used the word "Spirit". Please feel free to make substitutions that express your personal spirituality or belief system.
Honor your inner knowing by setting aside any part of this journey with me that does not feel right or true for you.
Interspersed in this blog will also be my daily photo's which I am going to try to, in some way, have these photo's relate to my journey. This might include pictures of myself as I change my inner feminine, or perhaps some art works that I feel moved to work on while on this journey and maybe it will include family and friends that travel this road with me. I hope that you enjoy this Blog~a~thon August with me and I really hope that you feel free to leave comments as I look forward to getting to know you all throughout this coming month.
What is Spirituality????
Spirituality has been described as a feeling and a unique inner experience. Spirituality may include feelings of reverence, beauty and interconnectedness. It may also refer to a guiding wisdom, and what is greater, grander, and higher. Spirituality is a journey of awakening to a universal, deeper and more meaningful love. Each person expresses apirituality in their own very personal and unique way. Our spirituality changes and grows as we continue to explore its beauty and wonder during our entire life, the door opens to descover more meaning, purpose and fulfillment.
Spirituality is commonly considered to be different from religion. While spirituality is defined as an inner experience unique to each person, religion is commonly defined as a particular system of beliefs belonging to groups of people. Spirituality~oriented individuals may or may not be religious. Religious people may or may not be spiritual.
Spirituality is not just what we feel, but also is expressed in what we do, how we do it, and who we are. Spirituality is reflected in our mental, emotional, social, physical and political expression. Spirituality is present at all times, in all places and under all circumstances. Being human is a spiritual journey of the heart, the soul, the spirit within, and our relationship to Spirit. Each person can choose to appreciate this journey as a fascinating experience. The spiritual journey ~~~
Is based in love and wisdom
Validates the struggles and difficulties
Gives the opportunity to accept and embrace change
Teaches important lessons such as trust, faith and love
Opens us to empowerment, creativity and inspiration
Reveals rewards in the exploration, not just the destination
Takes us into the essence of our heart and spirit
Honors the uniqueness and beauty of each person's unfoldment
Highlights the profound meaning in the present moment
Provides support and nurturance available in a wide variety of ways
Offers rewards that are potentially wondrous and magical
This is one take on it but I'd love to hear what your take on Spirituality is if you'd care to share.....
Friday, July 26, 2013
ButterFly Blessings......
The caterpillar transforms into a magnificent butterfly and
Love whispers~
"This is a blessing."
Winter turns into spring, a seed blooms into a rose, rain ends,
the sun shines through and
Nature whispers~
"Indeed, all will change."
Listen deeper,
To the hope and faith and trust in what can be
If we believe.
We think miracles are rare and won't happen to us.
Listen deeper,
Spirit whispers~
"Miracles and possibilities happen to us all every day."
In our caterpillar stage of crisis, fear, aloneness and sadness,
we think we can't bear it, we won't survive.
Listen deeper,
The angels whisper~
"Believe in the Butterfly Blessing,
Believe in the Butterfly Blessing."
By Terry Zick
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Today I decided to join in on a blog~a~thon for August which would require me to do a blog post each day of August. Then I get on FB and find the awesome Susannah Conway is hosting her August Break and I thought why not so now I have commited myself to a post a day and a picture a day.
I have decided that in order to blog each day I needed to find something to post on that would call me back each day. Several years ago I ran across a journal that I worked through and I was thinking perhaps I/we (if any of you are so inclined) could work through it or at least be inspired by it. It is A Feminine Spiritual Journal of Transformation. In short it is more about the growth of the feminine in each of us. I hope you all enjoy this or at the very least allow it to be food for thought.
Then for the picture a day Susannah was thoughtful enough to provide a list of pictures we may use as a jumping off board if we just can not think of something on our own.
I hope to get to know many of you a little better as I visit your blogs and hope that you will feel free to leave your comments here.
See you on August 1, 2013

Then for the picture a day Susannah was thoughtful enough to provide a list of pictures we may use as a jumping off board if we just can not think of something on our own.
I hope to get to know many of you a little better as I visit your blogs and hope that you will feel free to leave your comments here.
See you on August 1, 2013
Blog~A~Long with Effy August 2013
Ok, so I have decided to join Effy Wild in a Blog Along for August 2013, not sure how it will go but I'm open to the challenge.
I'm working on some beading projects as well as doing some quilting now that I have ALL my crafting stuff moved here to Texas from storage in Iowa so I'm going to be sharing what I'm doing in my creative world with you during the month of August and I'm hoping to make this a regular practice. Hope you will all enjoy visiting my world.
I'm working on some beading projects as well as doing some quilting now that I have ALL my crafting stuff moved here to Texas from storage in Iowa so I'm going to be sharing what I'm doing in my creative world with you during the month of August and I'm hoping to make this a regular practice. Hope you will all enjoy visiting my world.
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