Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How this blog came to be.....

I was visiting Amanda today over at kind over matter and ran across something so deeply beautiful that I knew it was my time. My time to open my cracked shell wide open and become who I am. Jo Ann Rothman over at The Receiving Project ask some very raw questions and it felt like she was speaking straight into my spirit. I hope that Jo Ann does not mind that I share this with you all. I ask you to look deep inside your inner self and answer all of her questions.

The Deepest Knowing of You

I want to know you. Peer into the levels of your soul. See between the yes and no... between the stories your mind tells and into the truth of your expression. I want to know the reason of your incarnation. The purpose of your pleasure... where it leads and winds back upon itself as it seeks out the treasure. I want to know who you are. Not who you think you are. Or who you feel you should be. I desire to know the essence that permeates each cell and radiates out into this very universe.

Can you tell me? Can you show me? Can you whisper into my ear, telling me what you are willing to do to make this life yours... so that it can reflect the wisdom that you hold uniquely. Are you willing to stand in the fire of your own yearning, letting the world burn away until purity and spirit is all that is left... which is all it ever was to begin with? I want to know your desires. The ones that ache and twist, ready to break free and create themselves for your delight. From here, I can begin to walk the path of breadcrumbs to your being. 

Will you be daring enough to drop the story of what happened when? Are you willing to remember who are you when you forget that you don't know? Forget that your humanity is not a mountain of chaos that needs to be climbed in order to reach the heights of your divinity? You are not better or worse for your pain. You are only more your Self if you allow life to crack open the shell of make-believe so that the truth of you can flow unobstructed. 

Who you are lies beyond the realm of word and thoughts. It is in the way you dance with your calling as you move through your domain. It is how you shine your loving with the exhale. Honor yourself in the inhale. Acknowledge all that is in the precious moment of stillness. This is what I choose to connect with. More and more in myself. More and more in you. I dare you. I dare myself... to leave behind the falsities of separation. For in the reflection of you is me and in me, you. Each stretch into ourselves is the revelation of who we are. Which I, for one, want to know. 

This is where I decided to start this blog,,,,,In here I am going to do my best to answer these questions as raw and open as I can. I want you to know me!

If this inspires you please go HERE to read more from Jo Ann Rothman. I would like to thank her from my deepest self for poising these question us all but mostly to me.


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